Thursday, July 2, 2015

Fitness || Tone It Up

Never heard of Tone It Up (TIU)? Today is your lucky day. Tone It Up is a nutrition and fitness program that inspires millions of women to live the life of their dreams every day. Your trainers and founders, Karena & Katrina, are there with you every step of the way bringing a fresh approach to fitness with their fun methods of getting fit. Both were in the fitness industry and TIU began when they met at a gym in Southern California.

In just a few start days I will be starting the Bikini Series with Tone It Up. The plan comes with different options: regular, vegan, vegetarian, gluten free, gluten free vegetarian, and pescetarian. I am following the regular plan since I do not have any dietary or personal interests in the other plans. Although the plan does cost a pretty penny ($200) I have had some friends who have joined the TIU Community and have seen fantastic results. My favorite part is TIU is not a diet plan, it’s a lifestyle. Included in the package, you become a Lifetime Member and only have to pay the one-time fee.  If you are not ready to purchase a plan, you can always check out their YouTube workouts and tons of free information on the website.

The 8 week Bikini program comes with a day by day plan for what 5 meals to eat {including grocery list} and what workouts that you need to accomplish for the day. There is also a journal to keep track of your progress and measurements and also printables of the workouts. I really like the printables so far because they break down each move step by step.

Nutrition Program: The main program has 191 pages and 250+ recipes that include anything and everything you could crave. The sections are as follows:

Party Foods
Beverages—what you should drink + includes adult beverages
Smoothies and Juices

Another neat aspect is that the program is emailed to you so I do not have an excuse for not having the program at my fingertips. I printed out the Nutrition plan and put it into a binder all neat to have at home.

In addition to the plan you will receive exclusive information, the Weekly Members Email. Every Thursday they send out an email and each week it includes tips to motivate you. There is also exciting news on what is coming up. I am looking forward to the emails!!

This week I have made a few of the meals in the Nutrition Plan and Bikini Series specific plan. I am looking forward to enjoying the 4th of July, but super stoked to start TIU on Monday. I plan to write a progress updated each week to let you know how everything is going.

Day two eating nutritious meals and workouts


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